

Venus Conjunct Sun
A lovely period when you'll be feeling very loving,  affectionate
and  looking  for  fun.   Don't be surprised if  small  gifts  or
presents come your way.   Health will be good,  as long as you're
not too self indulgent.  The magnetism of Venus will attract love
- this could be a happy, fun-loving and sociable few days.

Venus Conjunct Moon
Feeling  dreamy  and romantic,  you'll want to  spend  time  with
someone you love - probably in the comfort and security of  home.
Nostalgia  will cause to contact friends from the past - or  just
talk  over "the good old days" with close  loved  ones.   Contact
with women, especially your mother, could bring positive results.
The temptation to over-eat or drink may be hard to resist.

Venus Conjunct Mercury
Your  relaxed  and sociable mood will be  contagious,  with  much
laughter,   happiness  and  ...probably  wine..  flowing  between
friends.    This is also a great time to "clear the air" and talk
through  any problems with your lover.   It will be easy to  tell
someone you love them.   Finances and business negotiations  look
good, you'll be able to get your message across.

Venus Conjunct Venus
Love  is the keyword during this period.   Existing love  affairs
are  likely  to  be strengthened and re-kindled  -  so  don't  be
surprised  if your partner suggests a more long-term  commitment.
New romance also looks promising.  The temptation to buy items of
luxury  and  beauty will be hard to resist.   Go  ahead  -  treat
yourself!  You may even feel like throwing a party.

Venus Conjunct Mars
Fiery  passion  and a strong attraction to  lovers..or  potential
lovers will be strongly expressed through sex.  Even without sex,
you'll feel more full of life and vivacious than usual -  wanting
to be with other people,  rather than on your own.  Make the best
of lucrative financial opportunities.

Venus Conjunct Jupiter
Problems within personal relationships should be resolved  during
these few days.  You may also be called upon to give emotional or
financial  support  to a close friend,  lover or  member  of  the
family.   Social life should improve, but beware over-indulgence.
The  temptation  to  spend  on  beautiful  objects,   clothes  or
jewellery will be hard to resist.

Venus Conjunct Saturn
Temporary  separations or the breaking up of  love  relationships
are likely during this period.  Beware nurturing jealousy - or it
will grow into a green-eyed monster.   Expression of emotion will
be  inhibited - giving the outward appearance of being  cold  and
aloof.  Fortunately, these feelings will only last a few days.

Venus Conjunct Uranus
Expect the unexpected,  especially in your love life.   Stale and
dull  relationships will need to be injected with a new sense  of
romance  and adventure in order to survive.   They'll  either  be
boosted...or given the boot.   New impulsive love affairs started
now could prove exciting,  but unstable and  short-lived.   There
could  be  sudden  financial  gains,   or  if  you're   careless,
unforeseen losses.

Venus Conjunct Neptune
With  your  head in the clouds for a few  days,  postpone  making
major decisions whilst in this vague and dreamy state.  Love will
be  of  the most pure,  selfless kind - with your own  ego  being
temporarily  forfeited  to the devotion of  others.   But  beware
putting loved ones on a pedestal - in times to come they may  not
live up to your expectations.   Creativity could be exceptionally

Venus Conjunct Pluto
Intense emotions will either strengthen your love life,  or bring
about some kind of final confrontation or showdown.   If you want
to  avoid  arguments,  then accept things as they are for  a  few
days.    These  restless  feelings  will  soon  blow  over.   New
whirlwind  love  affairs could sweep you off your feet -  but  be
careful where you land!

Venus Conjunct Ascendant
This  period could herald a completely new chapter in  your  love
life  -  because  you'll  be  able  to  talk  problems   through,
certain  hang-ups  and insecurities could  finally  be  overcome.
Love,  warmth and affection will be easily expressed, and readily
returned.   Spend extra time with friends and family during  this
harmonious and fulfilling period.  New love is likely.

Venus Conjunct MC
This  will  be  a  wonderful  time  to  tell  someone  you   love
them...with  a  marriage or long term commitment  on  the  cards.
If  single,  romantic new love could deliriously  intoxicate  all
your  senses  -  leaving you  somewhat  dreamy  and  lightheaded!
Surround  yourself  with friends - don't waste  this  potentially
satisfying and love time on your own.

Venus Opposite Sun
Don't attempt any hard physical work - you simply won't be in the
mood.   Why  not  treat yourself to some rest  and  relaxation  -
take it easy and indulge yourself a little!   But this could also
be  a time of dangerous romantic liaisons - the temptation to  be
indiscreet could be hard to resist.   Lose yourself in some  kind
of  creative  work instead - and keep your head well out  of  the
firing line!

Venus Opposite Moon
Emotional traumas or problems could upset your family life during
this  time,  women  being the major source  of  conflict.   Over-
sensitive feelings can be easily hurt.   Also,  beware  financial
extravagance  - it's time to hide those credit  cards.   Business
negotiations  should  be  temporarily postponed  as  they're  not
likely to proceed favourable or smoothly during this time.

Venus Opposite Mercury
News is likely to come your way that will affect your love life -
perhaps  via  an unexpected letter or  phonecall.  This  may  not
necessarily be bad news, but it may temporarily shatter the peace
and  tranquility  of your home life.   Be careful not  to  spread
gossip during this time.

Venus Opposite Venus
Keep a tight hold on your pursestrings - every little luxury that
you  now see will seem like a necessity!   Business  negotiations
should   also   be  temporarily   postponed.    Watch   out   for
confrontations  with loved ones,  especially  women.   But  don't
concede  just for the sake of peace and quiet - you could  be  in
the right!

Venus Opposite Mars
Even  if  you're not normally a jealous person,  the  green  eyed
monster  could get the better of you during this  time.   Intense
emotions could either lead to an aggressive,  torrid sex life, or
blazing  rows!   In  any event,  there's likely to  be  man/woman
conflict leading to passionate emotional confrontations.

Venus Opposite Jupiter
If you don't want to overspend your budget during this time, then
keep  a tight hold on your pursestrings.   Too many  late  nights
coupled with too much food and alcoholic beverages may leave  you
feeling  somewhat  drained.    In  business  transaction,   don't
exaggerate and promise more than you can deliver!

Venus Opposite Saturn
Feeling  dis-illusioned and unlucky in love,  you may feel  as  if
nothing is going your way.   Because of this,  emotional barriers
will be erected to stop you from getting hurt - but this may only
make matters worse.   Conflict between your home and professional
life may cause emotional confrontations.

Venus Opposite Uranus
Unexpected events in your love life may cause some disruption  to
your life - you may suddenly become involved in a whirlwind  love
affair which could be extremely exciting, passionate but somewhat
short lived!   Emotions will be both unpredictable and  unstable.
New  friendships  may be made,  but at the expense of  more  long
standing associations.

Venus Opposite Neptune
Lost  in a world of romantic fantasy,  you may now idealise  your
lover  too  much  and put them on too  high  a  pedestal.   Avoid
dubious  business and get rich quick schemes - although at  times
they can be beneficial,  they certainly won't work in your favour
at the moment.  Too much food and drink could drain vitality.

Venus Opposite Pluto
The  temptation  to  succumb to a secret love  affair  may  prove
irresistible.   In any case, powerful intense emotions could lead
to  confrontations with lovers - jealousy causing  uncontrollable
anger.   Problems  may arise over finances,  either  business  or

Venus Opposite Ascendant
Avoid arguments today- you won't have the physical or  emotional
energy  to  cope with the trials and tribulations  of  life.   If
possible,  stay at home and surround yourself with life's  little
luxuries!   Avoid confrontations at work - if you manage to  keep
the  peace,  then your skills of tact and diplomacy will  make  a
greater impression.

Venus Opposite MC
Any kind of work will seem like an effort,  so if possible,  this
is a day for being lazy around the home.   Read a book, cuddle up
on the couch with someone you love, and just relax.

Venus Trine Sun
Strong  feelings  of love and enjoyment of life  should  dominate
your thoughts and actions during this  time.   Basically,  you'll
just  feel  like enjoying yourself and therefore work  will  take
second  place  to leisure activities.   Your good  mood  will  be
infectious - and others will enjoy being around you.

Venus Trine Moon
You should get on quite well with everyone around you during this
time,  but especially with women.   There'll be a general love of
life and a feeling of joie de vivre,  which you'll wish you  felt
more often!   Very little could put you in a bad mood - you'll be
too  busy  showering feelings of love,  warmth and  affection  on
everyone around you!

Venus Trine Mercury
Communication  with  loved  ones -  be  they  family,  lovers  or
friends..should  be exceptionally good during this time - so  why
not  tell them just how much you care!   Business matters  should
proceed  smoothly  as  well  - so  if  there  are  any  important
contracts to be signed,  or contacts to be made...then now's  the
best time to get the ball rolling.

Venus Trine Venus
Lady  luck could be calling during this time,  so make sure  that
you leave your door wide open!   Feeling relaxed,  easy going and
sociable  - many opportunities will seemingly just land  in  your
lap  -  but they actually are the accumulation of  previous  hard
graft.   Spend  as  much time as you can with your lover  -  this
could be a tremendously romantic period.

Venus Trine Mars
Full of energy and raring to go, nothing will be able to stop you
or get in your way during this time.   There are mountains to  be
climbed  and  battles to  conquered!   Passionate  emotions  will
difficult  to  control,  therefore love life should  become  more
sensual  and romantic.   New love affairs will  be  intense,  but

Venus Trine Jupiter
During this time,  you'll put others before yourself and will  be
seen as sympathetic,  generous and out-going...giving support and
love  to those in need.   Planetary transits are also  signalling
the beginning of pleasant, romantic love affairs.  Strenuous work
should  be avoided as you'll be feeling unhurried  and  carefree.
But watch your diet - as weight could easily be gained.

Venus Trine Saturn
Now's  the time to sort out problems in  personal  relationships.
If you're unattached you could now be drawn to a new relationship
with the promise of a stable,  secure and lasting love.   One  of
you is likely to be more mature than the other,  either in age or
experience.   A  connection  with the past could  also  stir  old

Venus Trine Uranus
Are  you  ready for some love  and  romance?   All  relationships
should  now  become more loving and  secure,  especially  if  you
manage to reawaken slumbering passions.   You may now be ready to
make  a  more long term commitment to  your  partner.   New  love
affairs   should  be  exciting  and  unusual  -  so  expect   the
unexpected!  Cash flow should also improve, as should health.

Venus Trine Neptune
Any  new love affair or romance started during this  period  will
seem  like a match made in heaven...almost as if,  as well  as  a
wonderful physical union, there will also be tremendous spiritual
union between the both of you.  Present relationships should also
become  closer and more emotionally stable and secure.   This  is
not so much a time to make dreams come true, but to create dreams
which could come true in the future.

Venus Trine Pluto
Intense  emotions  will ensure an active and  lively  love  life.
Winds  of  changes  are now blowing away  emotional  cobwebs  and
reviving forgotten feelings of romance.   Accept any  invitations
that come your way as they could lead to a  passionate,  enduring
encounter.  Creativity at work should also be enhanced.

Venus Trine Ascendant
Don't  plan anything too strenuous during this period  as  you're
likely  to  be too pre-occupied with taking it  easy  and  having
fun!   Why not plan a party - you'll enjoy sharing these feelings
of affection, warmth and love with friends.  Telling someone just
how much you love them will strengthen the emotional ties between
you.   An expected financial bonus could also come your way -  so
why not treat yourself to some well-deserved luxuries!

Venus Trine MC
Being  fair-minded and balanced in your opinions,  you  may  find
yourself the mediator in a family quarrel during this time.  Your
sensible advice will be needed.   Creativity at work should  also
be enhanced.   Take advantage of any opportunity that enables you
to work from home - either on a temporary or permanent basis.

Venus Square Sun
Lacking energy,  you'll be more inclined to sit around and do  as
little as you can during this time.   It would be just as well to
postpone major tasks or decisions until your energy increases and
you're in a more positive frame of mind.   Personal relationships
could also feel the strain, especially if you've been choosing to
hide or ignore pressing problems.

Venus Square Moon
Because of extreme emotional sensitivity, even the slightest hurt
or  misunderstanding with loved ones or friends will cut  you  to
the quick and upset you deeply.  You may feel alone and isolated.
Take care not to over-react by smothering other people with  your
affection  - being over-protective could equally  alienate  loved

Venus Square Mercury
Avoid anything which could upset you or disturb your  equilibrium
during this time,  as you may find it difficult to cope with  any
disputes  or strife.   Unable to properly  defend  yourself,  you
could become the victim instead of the victor.   Problems in both
your love life and social life are likely,  so perhaps it's  best
to keep your head down and out of the firing line.

Venus Square Venus
Beware financial extravagance over the next few  days.   Personal
and  love  relationships may also find themselves in  the  firing
line  -  you could become the victim of  a  misunderstanding,  or
someone you love and trust could now be trying to take  advantage
in some way.   Energy levels are likely to be low therefore  very
little will be achieved during this time.

Venus Square Mars
Jealousy and possessiveness could cause conflicts in romance  and
marriage  yet at the same time heightened passions will  increase
your  sex  drive.   This combination could either  produce  fiery
passion,  strengthening  inextricable bonds of love...or  blazing
tempers and rows - which could tear the relationship  apart.   If
unattached, you could now be unreservedly attracted to anyone!

Venus Square Jupiter
Low energy levels could leave you feeling drained of all vitality
during this time.  Work and career productivity could also suffer
through  failure to perform duties efficiently  and  competently.
Beware financial extravagance.   Personal and love  relationships
could  also  find themselves in the firing  line.   Perhaps  this
would be a good time to take a short break or holiday - but don't
spend too much!

Venus Square Saturn
Tension,  conflict,  friction...they're all words to describe the
way  you're no likely to be feeling towards a lover  or  marriage
partner.   Problem  which  have been bubbling  away  beneath  the
surface  could  now violently erupt and if  the  differences  are
irreconcilable,  then  the relationship could come to  an  abrupt
halt.   However,  strong  and stable relationships could  survive
this emotional warfare.

Venus Square Uranus
Expect  some  disruption  to your love  life  during  this  time.
Either  you,  or your partner,  may take unusual steps to  either
inject some fresh life into a present relationship; or one of you
will  start  to  look for something new..a  love  which  is  more
unpredictable and exciting.   Love affairs started now are likely
to be exhilarating and electrifying, but short lived.

Venus Square Neptune
Rocky  and unstable relationships could now crumble,  or you  may
look   elsewhere   for  emotional  and   physical   satisfaction.
Therefore secret love affairs are now possible.  You may also now
choose  to  escape  into the past as a welcome  relief  from  the
problems  and responsibilities of the  present.   Postpone  major
financial decisions until stability returns into your life.

Venus Square Pluto
The  worst thing that anyone can do to you during these few  days
is  hurt your pride - it's something you'll presently  find  very
difficult  to forgive.   However,  resist the desire  to  control
lovers  and  friends,  or relationships could become  a  constant
ego  and  power battle.   New relationships  could  be  exciting,
fiesty..but short lived.

Venus Square Ascendant
Make a special effort when putting your point across,  especially
in  personal  and  love relationships...or you're  likely  to  be
misunderstood.   Also,  beware  squandering money on  unnecessary
items,  which  may  seem  luxurious now but  will  be  completely
useless in a few short weeks time.

Venus Square MC
Feelings of jealousy and possessiveness may have to be controlled
during this time.  Unwanted social obligations could also disrupt
your   daily   routine  and  leave  you   feeling   drained   and

Venus Sextile Sun
Feeling  confident,  optimistic and outgoing,  this should be  an
excellent time for being with friends and loved  ones.   Business
negotiations  should  go  well  -  as  should  meetings  or   job
interviews  on  a one-to-one basis.   A good impression  will  be

Venus Sextile Moon
Sympathetic  feelings  of  warmth and tenderness  will  make  you
extremely protective of those you love.   Very little could anger
you today.   Contact with woman,  especially your  mother,  could
bring  positive  results - with love and friendship  bonding  the
ties between you.  A day to sit back, relax and enjoy the company
of others.

Venus Sextile Mercury
Feeling  sociable  and  easy-going,  this would be  a  great  day
for a lazy get-together with good friends, loved ones and family.
You'll  talk  about  times gone by...and dream  together  of  the
future.  Problems with lovers can be talked through - in clearing
the air,  you can now look to the future.   Business deals should
run smoothly.

Venus Sextile Venus
At this time it will be hard to hide feelings of love, warmth and
tenderness.   For those of you who are single...new love  affairs
started  around  now  could blossom into  stable  and  meaningful
relationships.   Business and financial negotiations could  prove
extremely  lucrative.    You're  likely  to  spend  on  beautiful

Venus Sextile Mars
Boosted  by  the relentless vigour and  energy  of  Mars,  you're
likely to be in a positive and fun-loving mood.  A great time for
parties,   and  any  type  of  social  gathering....a  time   for
attracting new friends,  and new lovers.   Business and financial
negotiations  could prove extremely  lucrative,  particularly  if
setting up new and original deals.

Venus Sextile Jupiter
Feeling pleasantly lazy and lethargic,  you'll much prefer to sit
back and enjoy the comforts of life rather than rouse yourself to
any action!   Planetary transits also indicate much love, romance
and new friendships.  One special individual may certainly have a
powerful  effect on your life.   A financial bonus or gift  could
come your way...and travel is likely.

Venus Sextile Saturn
Being ready to move onto the next stage, you'll be reaching a new
level  of  understanding in all types of personal  and  emotional
relationships.   Not content with merely existing together,  your
individual needs,  wants and expectations from each other will be
discussed.  Creativity and business transactions are favoured.

Venus Sextile Uranus
Whirlwind  and  impulsive love affairs could suddenly  start  and
end within a few short weeks.   Rules may be broken,  but  you'll
enjoy  yourself along the way!   Escaping boring dull day to  day
routine,  you'll  be  looking  for  excitement  and  any  unusual
distractions.  Being in a party mood - it's time to let your hair
down and have some fun!

Venus Sextile Neptune
This  will  be  a  day to escape  reality  -  everyone  needs  to
occasionally  lose  themselves  in  delightful  daydreams.   With
enough positive thought and action, these dreams could eventually
come true.  Love will be of the most pure, selfless kind.  If you
both  open your hearts there could be a merging of  souls  rarely
felt.  Surround yourself with beauty.

Venus Sextile Pluto
A  sudden  love affair could be intense and  electric,  but  with
little  chance  of developing into a long  lasting  relationship.
During  these few days,  powerful emotions will need to  find  an
outlet  through  physical  passion  and   sensuality.    Powerful
positive thoughts could bring positive results.

Venus Sextile Ascendant
This should be an untroubled and carefree time, so go out, party,
and enjoy yourself!   Feelings of love,  sympathy and warmth will
be  generously  shared with close friends  and  loved  ones...and
maybe even with people you've only just met!   A new love  affair
could progress into a more stable and meaningful relationship.

Venus Sextile MC
You're  now ready to compromise,  so if there have been  problems
within  any  personal relationships - this is an  excellent  fews
days  to talk grievances through and clear the  air.   You'll  be
more  willing to give....and more willing  to  listen.   Surround
yourself with friends - get out and enjoy yourself!


