The Message of the Stars[11]

The Message of the Stars[11]

[PAGE 217]                                   THE MOON, PLANET OF FECUNDATION

                                 CHAPTER XI


   From the Bible we learn that Jehovah made man in His image.   We are also
told that ANGELS visited Sarah and proclaimed the birth of Isaac.  They also
foretold  the  birth  of Samson and Samuel and  the  ANGEL  (not  archangel)
Gabriel  came  to Mary of Bethlehem to announce the coming birth  of  Jesus.
According to occult science Jehovah and His angels are the guardians of  the
seed atoms,  the basic factors in fertilization.   The activities of the an-
gels  are directed to the maintenance of plant,  animal and human life  upon
earth.   To this end their forces are focused by the wandering Moon  through
the twelve signs of the zodiac;  they impinge upon the foetus in a  creative
manner during the period of gestation from the time of conception to birth.

   Thus as the Moon measures the tides of the earth so also does she measure
the  soul's  passage from the shores of eternity through the waters  of  the
womb to the world of time.  According to astrology Cancer is the home of the
Moon.   The ancient Egyptians pictured this sign as a scarab or beetle which
was their emblem of the soul and they called Cancer THE SPHERE OF THE  SOUL,
for it is said that through this moist watery sign  fertilized  by the lunar

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ray the seed atoms are projected into the womb of the prospective parent who
is  thus prepared for the period of gestation;  and occult science  adds  to
this that the seed atoms of the animal kingdom,  which is still mindless and
therefore not amenable to lunar influences in that direction,  are projected
through  the watery martial sign SCORPIO while the seed atoms of  the  inert
plants our poured in through the Jupiterian sign Pisces just before the  Sun
enters  Aries  at the vernal equinox to awaken the plant seeds  sleeping  in
Mother Earth,  which have been fertilized by Pisces.   Thus the human family
has the longest period of gestation,  the animal a somewhat shorter one  and
the plant the shortest of all.

   The Moon also measures the period of postnatal growth so that the  period
of  CHILDHOOD,  measured by the change of teeth is complete at  about  seven
years of age when the Moon is SQUARE to her place at birth.   The period  of
PUBERTY is ushered in at about fourteen years of age when the Moon is in OP-
POSITION  to her place at birth and is marked by the change of voice in  the
boy and the commencement of the menses in the girl.   At twenty-one years of
age the Moon by progression has traveled three quarters of the circle of the
horoscope  from its place at birth.  This finishes the period of  incubation
and the human being is considered to be full-grown,  capable of exercising a
franchise and taking care of his own affairs.  Thus the distance traveled by
the New Moon during the prenatal period of gestation  in  the  mother's womb

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and the distance traveled by the progressed Moon during the twenty-one years
of post-natal development in the womb of Mother Nature correspond exactly.

   The Moon,  like Mercury, has no basic nature of its own but serves to fo-
cus  the qualities of the signs and other planets upon the human mind.   She
governs the tidal air in the lungs and the colorless lymph in the body, also
the  digestive  activity  and the sympathetic  nervous  system  which  auto-
matically takes care of the process of digestion.  She also governs the cer-
ebellum,  the mammae,  the feminine functions and parturition as already ex-

   People  who are strongly under the influence of the lunar rays are of  an
easy-going,  dreamy,  indolent nature,  adepts as architects of air  castles
which  never materialize or assume concrete shape.   They are very  sociable
and  generally easy to get along with.   They succeed best as cooks,  house-
keepers  or in some domestic occupation or in one which has to do  with  li-
quids or a seafaring life.

   The Moon being female indicates the marriage partner for a man so that in
a  man's  horoscope  affliction of the Moon would not be  so  apt  to  cause
trouble  in  health as in married life and the horoscopes of the  two  sexes
should  therefore be read differently with respect to the Sun and Moon.   If
Saturn  afflicts the Moon in a woman's horoscope it will affect her  health,
but in the same respect to the Sun and Moon.  If Saturn afflicts the Moon in
a woman's horoscope it will affect her health, but the same aspect occurring
in a man's horoscope will cause him trouble in married life.   If the Sun is
afflicted in a man's horoscope it will  affect  his  health but in a woman's

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horoscope it would indicate trouble with her husband.  At the same time how-
ever it should not be forgotten that both the Sun and Moon are vital factors
in  the  health of both sexes but one sex is more affected by the  Sun,  the
other by the Moon.

   The Moon is the great time-marker of the universe.  Without her our lives
would  be  barren of events for although the Sun and the  planets  by  their
travel through the signs and houses indicate the years when certain  tenden-
cies shown in the horoscope may culminate in action,  it invariably requires
an  aspect  of  the  Moon to fertilize the aspect and  make  it  bloom  into
physical manifestation.  The Sun and the planets may therefore be likened to
the  hour-hand on the clock of destiny which shows the YEAR when each  phase
of  our destiny which shows the YEAR when each phase of our destiny is  ripe
for  the harvest and the Moon may be likened to the minute-hand which  shows
the MONTH when the influences are due to culminate into action.  In order to
become fully conversant with the influences of the Moon we would advise stu-
dents to read carefully the article on eclipses and new moon in our  Simpli-
fied Scientific Astrology.

                        THE MOON IN THE TWELVE HOUSES

    THE MOON IN THE FIRST HOUSE.  When the Moon is rising in the First House
at  birth and particularly in common or cardinal sign she gives  the  person
then born a very restless nature; he is constantly endeavoring to change his

[PAGE 221]                                   THE MOON, PLANET OF FECUNDATION

position environment and occupation, is ensouled by an insatiable wanderlust
and always ready to roam.   When the Moon is rising in a fixed sign there is
a little more stability to the nature but even then the person will probably
spend at least part of his time in a roving existence.  People with the Moon
in the First House are usually sensitives, especially if the Moon is in  the
psychic signs Cancer or Pisces.   They have a very vivid imagination and are
quite  intuitive.   This position of the Moon has a powerful influence  upon
health especially in a woman's horoscope and the aspects which the Moon  re-
ceives  determine the strength of the constitution.   It is also a  sign  of
success in such occupations as bring the person in close touch with the pub-

    THE MOON IN THE SECOND HOUSE signifies fluctuating finances unless  for-
tified by good aspects from Jupiter,  the planet of opulence,  or Venus  the
planet of attraction.   Good aspects from the Sun make matters more  settled
in that respect.

    THE MOON IN THE THIRD HOUSE makes the mind extremely fertile in imagina-
tion with a strong liking for mental occupations,  especially such as do not
require continuity but are subject to constant change,  like editing and re-
porting  on  newspapers  where one must be on the alert for  news  and  roam
hither and thither for the purpose of gathering it.  These  people  love the

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lime-light  of publicity and if the Moon is strengthened by good aspects  to
Mercury they may reach a position of prominence.

    THE MOON IN THE FOURTH HOUSE well-aspected indicates fortunate home con-
ditions, especially toward the close of life but if the Moon is afflicted we
may judge the reverse.   This position also gives a tendency toward  psychic
experiences  especially if the Moon is in its own sign Cancer or in  Pisces,
another watery sign.   It also shows many changes of residence which will be
fortunate or otherwise according to other aspects of the Moon.

    THE MOON IN THE FIFTH HOUSE in cardinal or common signs indicates a per-
son of very changeable afflictions, fond of pleasure and gambling.   It is a
sign of a fruitful marriage particularly when in Scorpio.   Even in a barren
sign  like Leo the Moon will give children when she is placed in  the  Fifth
House.  This question, however, should always be judged from both horoscopes
of the prospective parents,  for should one be entirely barren,  the Moon in
the  Fifth House in Leo or Virgo in the other horoscope,  would not be  suf-
ficient help to mend the matter.

    THE MOON IN THE SIXTH HOUSE is a poor position particularly in a woman's
horoscope and any person with the Moon in that position will be  better in a

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subordinate position employed by someone else than in a business venture  of
his  own.   Should he be placed in the position of employer he will find  it
difficult to keep servants or employees.  They will change constantly.

    THE MOON IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE if well-aspected is fortunate for  success
in marriage,  partnership and all dealings with the public for it makes  the
person popular.   But if seriously afflicted it indicates a fickle,  change-
able marriage partner,  loss through litigation, partnership and the general
public which will then hold the person in disfavor.

    THE MOON IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE gives gain by marriage and legacy if it  is
well-aspected and it also increases the number of children though there is a
change that some of them may die.   But if the Moon is afflicted the  finan-
cial  fortunes will change for the worse after marriage and if  legacies  do
come they will bring lawsuits with them whereby the person will lose.

    THE MOON IN THE NINTH HOUSE when well-aspected gives a clean clear  mind
of a serious, religious, legal or philosophy turn according to the nature of
the  aspect.   The person will travel far with both pleasure and profit  for
himself  and sometime he will come into the lime-light of  publicity.   This
position also gives a tendency to dreams and visions especially if  the Moon

[PAGE 224]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

is aspected by Neptune.  If the Moon is afflicted the person will be too im-
pulsive  and jump to conclusions which are to his detriment.   If he  under-
takes  to  travel he is liable to meet much trouble in consequence.   He  is
also  apt to make an ill-considered change in religion and be  subjected  to
much censure on that account.

    THE  MOON IN THE TENTH HOUSE is a sign of good fortune,  popularity  and
prosperity  if well-aspected.   It brings the person prominently before  the
public  and ensures favor especially from women,  also the  accumulation  or
property.   It makes the mind deep and diplomatic,  curious and inquisitive.
When  the Moon is afflicted the person is liable to incur hostility  on  the
part of the public and reversals of fortune.   Sometimes he becomes involved
in public scandal and subject to censure.

    THE MOON IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE if well-aspected gives many friends espe-
cially among women, but if she is afflicted those who come to the person un-
der  the guise of friendship do so in the hope that he may be of benefit  to

    THE  MOON  IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE if well-aspected gives success  in  such
work  as  is performed in seclusion away from the public gaze,  in  prisons,
hospitals or charitable institutions.  There is also a  liability  to become

[PAGE 225]                                   THE MOON, PLANET OF FECUNDATION

involved  in clandestine love-affairs but if the Moon is  well-aspected  the
person will be able to keep this a secret.   If the Moon is afflicted  there
is a danger of secret enemies, trouble and persecution.

                        THE MOON IN THE TWELVE SIGNS

    THE  MOON IN ARIES gives a very independent type of mind which  aims  to
hew  out its own path in life whether right or wrong and is extremely  quick
to resent any interference from others.  The person is ambitious and aggres-
sive  but  lacks forethought,  so that he is liable to  meet  with  numerous
setbacks.   However, this position gives a dauntless courage and such people
are  not easily defeated.   When they have failed in one direction they  im-
mediately try another venture and in the end their very persistence  usually
brings  them into prominence in their line and gives them ultimate  success,
unless the Moon is afflicted;  they they are prone to take up one occupation
after another without giving themselves time to try honestly to make a  suc-
cess of any one.

    THE MOON IN TAURUS.   This is the Moon's exaltation sign and her  effect
is  therefore  very  powerful for good if she is free  from  affliction  and
well-aspected.  Then the fixed nature of Taurus tones down the changeability
of the Moon  which  also  blends  with  the  Venus  ray.  Hence it makes the

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disposition  gentle,  self-reliant and determined.   It gives  perseverance,
forethought and kindness,  therefore the person attracts all the good things
of life,  health and wealth,  friends and family,  houses and lands with the
ability  to  enjoy all these things for it makes him fond of  pleasure,  so-
ciable and hospitable,  a lover of art and music and all other things  which
make for the enjoyment of life.

    THE MOON IN GEMINI gives a wide-awake intellect,  fond of literature and
science,  resourceful and able to cope with emergencies, broad,  liberal and
alert  for  progressive ideas which are taken up with avidity.   Hence  such
people are much attracted to literary occupations, particularly in the news-
paper  field where they may flit from one subject to another as required  by
their extremely restless mind.   This position also gives an inordinate love
of traveling,  and desire for positions where one meets many people.   Hence
it favors such occupations as those of traveling salesmen,  canvassers,  and
the like.

    THE MOON IN CANCER gives a disposition which is kind,  sociable and sym-
pathetic,  but indolent and averse to effort whether physical, moral or men-
tal.   These people love to drift with the tide and only  bestir  themselves
when under the whiplash of necessity.  They are  often  sensitive  to physic

[PAGE 227]                                   THE MOON, PLANET OF FECUNDATION

conditions,  especially if the Moon is aspected by Neptune or Uranus and the
nature of the aspect determines whether the influence is favorable or  unfa-
vorable.  This position also gives a love of home and the comforts to be ob-
tained there.   It promotes the digestion and consequently the health if the
Moon  is well-aspected.   If afflicted it has a tendency to  give  digestive

   THE  MOON IN LEO has an illuminating influence on the mind.   It gives  a
strong,  self-reliant and aggressive disposition with ability for  organiza-
tion;  therefore  people with the Moon in this position  usually  attain  to
leadership in their immediate circle.   They are honorable in financial  and
social matters, fair and magnanimous in their dealings with others, and very
popular with other people.

   THE MOON IN VIRGO increases the mental qualities if she is well-aspected;
she  gives a retentive memory,  a love of study along scientific  or  occult
lines and an ambition to excel.   Chemistry is the favorite of these  people
among the sciences and they excel as dietitians.   They are rather  reserved
and of quiet demeanor,  disliking flattery or ostentation.   Unless they de-
vote themselves to dietetics they are more successful as the servants or em-
ployees of others than in business for themselves.

[PAGE 228]                                   THE MOON, PLANET OF FECUNDATION

   THE MOON IN LIBRA is a fortunate position for the acquisition of  friends
and public popularity for it makes the person kind,  sympathetic and  agree-
able,  optimistic and fond of social pleasures.   This position  also  gives
good  reasoning powers and the ability to form a correct judgment,  love  of
art and music,  sometimes considerable ability as a performer if assisted by
other aspects.

   THE MOON IN SCORPIO gives a courageous independent and energetic disposi-
tion.   The person who has this configuration will not tolerate interference
with his plans or submit to imposition.  He is often very abrupt in his man-
ners and blunt in speech,  quick-tempered and not to be coerced by  threats,
but singularly amenable to kindness.   He has a strong and stubborn will and
determination to carry out whatever he undertakes.  This position also gives
a  considerable attraction toward the occult sciences but if  afflicted  may
lead to excess gratification of the senses,  trouble with women or difficul-
ties in parturition.

   THE MOON IN SAGITTARIUS gives an alert and active personality,  a love of
walking, riding or any other form of physical exercise, a roving of disposi-
tion and love of travel in foreign countries,  a fondness of animals,  espe-
cially  horses  and dogs and an inclination for the study of  religion,  law
philosophy or the science of occultism.  These people are  very  optimistic,

[PAGE 229]                                   THE MOON, PLANET OF FECUNDATION

good  humored,  jovial,  and ideal companions unless the Moon is  afflicted,
then   her   position  in  Sagittarius  is  conducive   to   indolence   and

   THE  MOON IN CAPRICORN,  if well-aspected,  gives abundance of help  from
people who are higher in the social scale so that whatever success there may
be will come through others, the person being too timid to push himself for-
ward, besides being of a melancholy turn of mind which makes him exceedingly
sensitive to real or fancied slights.   If the Moon is afflicted it gives  a
liability to slander whether that is merited or not.  This position also has
a detrimental effect upon the digestion.  People with Moon in this  position
often have an insane fear of coming to want and therefore they become avari-
cious and miserly,  denying themselves all comforts at the present time that
they may have something for a rainy day.   They have very little feeling for
themselves and none at all for others.

   THE  MOON  IN  AQUARIUS if well-aspected gives the person  a  very  vivid
imagination and the power of calling images up before the mind's eye in such
a manner that they seem almost tangible; besides these people are not depen-
dent upon the faculty of reason, for their  intuition  is  also  exceedingly

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well-developed.  In disposition they are sociable, kindly and courteous with
the result that they attract many friends and are very popular in their  en-
vironment,  and they are helped by their friends according to the aspects of
the  Moon.   On the other hand if the Moon is afflicted this position  shows
one of an exceedingly erratic mind.

   THE MOON IN PISCES gives a receptive mind and a fertile imagination  with
a disposition to indolence and self-pity, vacillation and faint-heartedness,
makes one fond of creaming rather than acting, therefore sorrow, trouble and
self-undoing beset the path in life.   This position not infrequently  leads
to mediumship,  especially if Neptune is in adverse aspect, for these people
are  peculiarly sensitive to the flattery of spirit-controls and  love  any-
thing that will stir their emotions.   They are also very wordy in their ex-
pressions.   If a good aspect from Venus and Mercury enables them to take up
music they play with extraordinary inspiration and feeling.   If the Moon is
afflicted  in Pisces love-affairs are apt to bring the person into  trouble.
If Pisces is in the Twelfth House and the Moon there at birth this will give
a  liability on the part of the parents to drink and thus to  neglect  their
children who may then become the wards of charitable institutions until they
reach maturity.

[PAGE 231]                                   THE MOON, PLANET OF FECUNDATION


or house the conjunction of the Lights occurs the person will be so strongly
marked  with the characteristics that sign that,  lacking knowledge  of  his
true  ascendant,  even the most competent astrologer is likely to be  misled
and judge him to be born with the sign rising in which the conjunction  took
place,  and whatever matters are ruled by the house in which the conjunction
occurs will play a very important part in the life.   In the First he is  an
out and out egotist with very little love for others save in so far as  they
serve his ends,  in the Seventh his world pivots on the mate,  in the  Tenth
House  or sign he will sacrifice all other considerations to rise in  public
life;  in the Twelfth House or sign the conjunction will give a strong  ten-
dency to intemperance which will bring trouble in the life; in the Third and
Ninth Houses it will brighten the mind and induce travel from which he  will
benefit; in the Second House it will bring wealth, especially if in good as-
pect  with Jupiter.   If the conjunction of the Sun and Moon is closer  than
three degrees if has a tendency to deplete the vitality and if it is also  a
solar eclipse and the child survives,  this will be particularly  noticeable
all through life.  People  who  have  such  close  conjunctions  or eclipses

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become listless, dispirited and out of sorts every time there is a new Moon.
The conjunction or eclipse does not seem to interfere with the good  effects
in other department of life.

   THE  SUN SEXTILE OR TRINE TO THE MOON.   The good aspects of the Sun  and
Moon make for general success in life, health, fair financial fortunes, good
home conditions with faithful friends and esteem in the community;  they fa-
vor  a  rise in life because of the person's innate  ability,  which  either
gains  for him the recognition of people in a position to help him rise,  or
impels him to carve his own way.

   THE SUN SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO THE MOON makes the person vacillating and
unsettled in disposition,  changeable and unable to pursue a settled  course
in life, rash to plunge into untried ventures but lacking the persistence or
continuity  of  purpose to carry anything to a successful  conclusion.   For
that reason such people become failures in life;  their dealings with  women
and  people higher in the social scale such as employers,  the  authorities,
judges,  etc.,  are especially unsuccessful; they always have difficulty  in
obtaining  proper employment and in keeping their positions  when  obtained,
for  they  are hyper-sensitive and ready to take offense,  with  or  without
provocation.  These  configurations  also  affect  the  health;  the body is

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liable  to  colds and recuperation is slow when sickness has  overtaken  the

significator  of marriage for a man and therefore the good  aspects  between
Venus, the planet of love, and the Moon are good indications of a happy mar-
riage  when  they occur in a man's horoscope.   But in a  woman's  horoscope
these aspects operate upon the health,  for the Moon is the plant of  fecun-
dity  and  has rule over the female functions in particular,  which  are  so
large a factor in the woman's health, and this is much strengthened by them.
These aspects give oratorical ability with a fruitful imagination, a love of
pleasure, music and art.  They give an engaging personality, very attractive
to the opposite sex because kindly,  affectionate and sympathetic,  and they
tend to general success in life;  though the finances may be fluctuating the
person usually has sufficient for the day and the way.

   VENUS  SQUARE  OR OPPOSITION TO THE MOON is an indication of  trouble  in
marriage for a man, because the wife described by an afflicted Venus will be
slovenly and of dissolute habits which will destroy domestic happiness.   In
a  woman's horoscope it indicates a disturbance of the female functions  and
also gives a tendency to digestive troubles and poor circulation when in the

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horoscope of either sex.  These aspects also give a liability to slander and
public  scandal as the person so afflicted is fickle and inconstant  in  his
affections,  of a sensual nature which loves to flit from flower  to  flower
regardless of the sorrows caused by playing with the heart of others.

ceptive  mind and a retentive memory, two very rare qualities and  therefore
these  aspects,  particularly the sextile and trine are good indications  of
success in life,  especially in one of the mercurial occupations,  literary,
clerical  or traveling.   People with these configurations are usually  very
verbose,  particularly if the conjunction or trine occurs in airy signs or a
sign of voice, for then the power of expression reaches a superlative degree
and such people become able linguists and elocutionists; but unless there is
some steadying influence people with aspects of Mercury and the Moon are not
reliable  because of their tendency to change their minds repeatedly in  the
most unexpected manner.   They are inclined to look upon the bright side  of
life and are fond of pleasure, particularly travel.

   MERCURY SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO THE MOON gives a poor memory and lack  of
mental stability with a tendency to indecision and worry, liability to brain
storms and hysterics.  These characteristics make the person unpopular and

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as the saying is "unlucky."

   SATURN  SEXTILE  OR  TRINE TO THE MOON imparts  all  the  best  saturnine
qualities to the mind and makes the person self-reliant, serious,  sober and
systematic,  careful  and thrifty in business affairs and gives  success  in
life through tactful and diplomatic dealings with others.   Such people  are
eminently  responsible and trust worthy in all matters of honor and  justice
and gain great esteem in the community on that account.   Their patience and
persistence are inexhaustible.

classed as a bad aspect so far as the mental qualities go for in any case it
depends  the mind and gives greater power of concentration.   If  Saturn  is
strong  by  sign,   in  Libra  or  Capricorn,  and  the  Moon  is  otherwise
well-aspected,  this position will also impart the virtues of Saturn  though
under  all conditions it makes the mind gloomy and the person is subject  to
periodical spells of melancholy;  but if Saturn is weak by sign,  especially
if  he is in Aries and if the Moon is otherwise afflicted then his  conjunc-
tion is to be judged and read the same as the square or opposition.

   The effect of the conjunction also depends upon the department of life we
are considering:  for instance, as already said, the conjunction of the Moon

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and Saturn is good for concentration of the mind, but bad for the digestion,
particularly  in a woman's horoscope;  it has also the tendency to  obstruct
the menses with all that that implies, and in a man's horoscope it indicates
the death of the marriage partner.  Similar distinctions should be made when
reading the conjunctions of the other so-called malefics.

   SATURN SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO THE MOON is one of the signatures of  sor-
row in life for it makes the mind melancholy and full of worries so that the
person  is  constantly  carrying an atmosphere of gloom  with  him,  and  as
thoughts  are  things this attitude of mind brings about delays  and  disap-
pointments in every department of life.  Such a person will experience  dif-
ficulties from people and things signified by Saturn, probably parents,  and
if he has money he may lose it and have difficult in getting more;  thus  he
may be in poverty all his life.   He will make more enemies than friends and
become subject to slander and scandal, but the disfavor he meets is undoubt-
edly merited for these aspects make the mind bitter and selfish; such people
are unscrupulous,  avaricious and entirely unfeeling with respect to others,
hence  they  are under the whiplash of Saturn that the sorrow  and  troubles
which they themselves are constantly feeling may make them more mellow.   If
the aspect is six, five or even four  degrees from being exact and if Saturn

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is  in the exaltation sign Libra these aspects are not quite so evil in  the
latter  part of life.   They may then imply that the person has learned  his
lesson  and  as a consequence he may find himself in  easier  circumstances.
The adverse aspects of Saturn to the Moon are very bad for the health,  par-
ticularly in a woman's horoscope.   There they indicate obstructions of  the
female functions.  In the man's horoscope they either deny marriage or indi-
cate  the  death of the marriage partner and their general tendency  to  ob-
struct  everything  connected  with the houses and signs  wherein  they  are
placed in the horoscope.

timistic,  noble and generous disposition.  The open-hearted honesty,  fair-
ness  and friendliness of such people make them universally popular.   These
aspects strengthen both the reasoning faculties and constitution;  they give
a strong mind in a strong body and hence a powerful personal magnetism which
may be used to great advantage in healing the sick.   They have lofty ideals
and  a  fruitful imagination with the power of acquiring wealth  which  will
grow greater if used in philanthropic enterprises of which these people  are
prone to dream.  These are some of the  best  aspects  in the gamut and make

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for general success in life both physically and spiritually.

   JUPITER SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO THE MOON impairs the reasoning  faculties
and brings the person trouble through litigation,  lack of fore-thought  and
indecision or dishonesty.   People with these aspects are too fond of osten-
tation and display,  extravagant beyond their means and resources,  prone to
take desperate chances in gambling or speculation to rehabilitate their for-
tunes and doomed to loss, slander and sometimes bankruptcy on that account.

   These aspects are also bad for health, in a woman's horoscope especially,
indicating digestive and liver problems.

   MARS SEXTILE OR TRINE TO THE MOON gives a wonderful vitality and a strong
physique  so  that the person is able to overcome almost any  tendencies  to
ill-health,  all of which are overruled by these aspects.   The power of en-
durance  is increased to a maximum and the person can survive  hardships  to
which people ordinarily succumb.   They give a resolute,  courageous,  ener-
getic  and ambitious mind of a resourceful and eminently constructive  turn'
and  they make the person quick but not precipitate in his decisions.   Thus
he  gains the confidence and esteem of others and earns  considerable  money
but the nature is extremely free and generous so that money does not stay by

[PAGE 239]                                   THE MOON, PLANET OF FECUNDATION

these people.  They spend it almost as fast as they get it.

   MARS  CONJUNCTION OR PARALLEL TO THE MOON may be either good or  bad  ac-
cording to the sex of the person and the department of life we are consider-
ing.   It strengthens the health and the vitality, particularly in the horo-
scope  of  a woman.   In the horoscope of a man it would indicate  a  robust
marriage partner of a domineering nature.  With respect to the mind it would
make the person very impulsive,  particularly if placed in one of the common
signs or in the Third or Ninth Houses.  It also gives a very bad temper  but
not so bad as the square or opposition.  If Mars is in conjunction or paral-
lel to the Moon in Scorpio there is an abnormal sexual desire which will not
be  denied particularly if Venus is there also.   It makes the  nature  very
restless  and  unsettled for it is like mixing fire and  water.   In  watery
signs it inclines to drink.

   MARS  SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO THE MOON gives a very quick temper  with  a
tendency to hasty or impulsive expression and acts that may cause the person
a  great deal of sorrow and trouble.   These people resent rules or  regula-
tions or any other measures that tend to curb their desires or the  gratifi-
cation  of  their  appetites  in  whatever  direction,  but  if  they are in

[PAGE 240]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

authority  they  are  very domineering and exacting  in  their  demands  for
instant obedience upon the part of others, nor do they hesitate to use what-
ever physical force may be necessary to compel obedience if they think  they
can do so without great danger to themselves.  Sometimes they will even take
desperate  changes to satisfy their spite and having an improperly  balanced
mind they are foolhardy in their venturesomeness so that upon occasion  they
will attempt to do things which no one with a sane mind would try.   On  ac-
count of the foregoing consciousness such people make many enemies and cause
a great deal of suffering to others, particularly among members of their im-
mediate  family who cannot very well get away from them.   If these  aspects
occur in watery signs, particularly with Mars of the Moon in Pisces the per-
son  is  also an inveterate drunkard.  From that standpoint of  health  they
give a tendency to fever and accidents,  trouble with the generative  organs
and operations which are usually unnecessary.   These people are exceedingly
prodigal with their money and are habitual prevaricators.

   URANUS SEXTILE  OR TRINE TO THE MOON gives great originality and indepen-
dence to the mind,  which is quick, intuitive and very vivid in its imagina-
tion;  hence the person has inventive ability and is attracted to the occult
arts  and  endowed  with  hypnotic  or magnetic powers, also the intuitional

[PAGE 241]                                   THE MOON, PLANET OF FECUNDATION

ability  to study and practise astrology.   If the life is devoted to  elec-
tricity as a vocation the person will make a success of it.   These  aspects
also give a peculiar fascination for the opposite sex and are likely to lead
to a clandestine love affair or an unconventional union.

   URANUS CONJUNCTION OR PARALLEL TO THE MOON gives similar mental and  psy-
chic tendencies and also the same liability to irregular love-affairs as the
good  aspects  but  these  tendencies are  not  so  pronounced.   A  secrete
love-affair generated under the conjunction of Uranus and the Moon may  have
directly  disastrous  results similar to those mentioned under the  bad  as-
pects.  If the conjunction occurs in Cancer it tends to nervous indigestion;
in Leo it inclines to palpitations of the heart,  interferes with the rhythm
of the heart-beat and gives a spasmodic action which will probably prove fa-
tal when it has run its course.  In Scorpio,  it inclines to perverted prac-
tices,  in  Sagittarius  the reflex action would be felt in  the  lungs  and
similarly with the other signs.

   URANUS SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO THE MOON  makes  the  person  erratic  and
touchy to a degree, a walking powder  magazine  ready  to explode at any mo-
ment, overbearing, conceited, intolerant, and shunned by  all who can possi-

[PAGE 242]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS

bly get out of his way. If such people are employers  nobody  can  work  for
them and if they are employees nobody will have them. They never remain very
long in any place, but are either discharged or give up  their  position  on
the slightest provocation.  People  with  these aspects are attracted to the
occult arts but they never make a success at them because of  their  erratic
mentality.   Like the other aspects of Uranus and the Moon the square or op-
position  also indicates a clandestine attachment either on the part of  the
person  or the marriage partner.   If  it occurs in the Seventh House  of  a
man's horoscope it proves the wife untrue so that public scandal and divorce
will eventually ensue.   The bad aspects of the Sun and Uranus give  similar
indications in the horoscope of a woman.

   NEPTUNE  SEXTILE  OR TRINE TO THE MOON increases the faculty of  imagina-
tion to a superlative degree,  especially if either of the planets is in the
Ninth  House.   Then it favors prophetic dreams and visions which bring  the
person  in contact with the invisible worlds.   It indicates ability in  the
occult  arts and success in their practice for it makes the  nature  exceed-
ingly  inspirational and it also gives a kind and  sympathetic  disposition.
The  spiritual  qualities mentioned may not be apparent even to  the  person
himself but then they  are  latent  and  capable of development.  It is also

[PAGE 243]                                   THE MOON, PLANET OF FECUNDATION

safe to say that at some time or other during the life people with these as-
pects  will  come in contact with and be very much attracted to  the  occult
whether the qualities of the soul are subsequently developed or not.

   NEPTUNE  CONJUNCTION OR PARALLEL MOON indicates the same  strong  psychic
features as the good aspects,  particularly if Neptune is placed in the psy-
chic signs Cancer or Pisces.   Those who were born with the good  configura-
tions  of Neptune during the fourteen years when it was in the  airy  scien-
tific  sign  Gemini  are now conquering the air  and  perfecting  scientific
inventions  which will make us marvel,  but the children who have been  born
under  favorable configurations during the fourteen years Neptune  has  been
going through the psychic sign Cancer are now growing up around us as a band
of  mystics  and when they have reached mature years they will  astonish  us
with  their spiritual insight and power.  Among other things they  will  de-
velop the soul of music.

   NEPTUNE  SQUARE OR OPPOSITION TO THE MOON is also an indication  of  soul
qualities  similar to those of the good aspects,  but under the former  con-
figurations the person will be of a negative nature and is apt to become the
prey of spirit-controls and subjected to mediumship, therefore he should not
attend seances.
